Blanketrol Accessories

Blanketrol Accessories
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Product introduction

The PlastiPad® is a reusable water blanket that is durable and convenient. It may resist punctures and has a seam strength that prolongs the life of the blankets. These blankets have a non-porous surface that is easy to clean off blood, soil, and/or debris.

The Head Wrap is an innovative method of cooling for the head. It was developed to provide uninterrupted therapy throughout a variety of procedures. It offers an innovative, non-invasive method of controlling core body temperature. It is an alternative to ice or ice packs and its versatile design provides therapy in a wide variety of clinical situations.

CSZ's Maxi-Therm® Lite hyper-hypothermia blankets have a durable construction to withstand rigorous use. They have a random flow design which results in even temperature distribution and excellent heating and cooling rates. The design is so efficient; the blanket can be filled with the patient in place.
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